Thursday, August 16, 2007

Waterfights in the Bathroom

The other day me and my dad were having a water fight in the bathroom. I threw cold water on him while he was in the shower. Then he pushed me in the bathtub, with my clothes on!!!!! When I throw cold water on him in the shower he screams like a girl really loud, it makes me want to do it every day, and sometimes I do. Sometimes I spit water on him when he is not in the shower.


jill said...

Hey Green Cheesecake! You are so funny! The bad thing about teasing your Dad is he always gets you back! Keep throwing water on him! I cant wait to see you on Labor Day. I am going to bring Cleo are you bringing Chester?

Paula said...

Kinney, You are such a naughty little girl!!!! I love it! Your Dad probably deserves the cold water every morning - just to wake him up. I know it would sure help me, but don't get any ideas. (I usually bath at night, anyway) Love you all, Nunn

Liesl said...

You are so funny Kinney! Your dad definatly deserves you!!! Keep it up! Love you.

camille kempton said...

Hey little m, next time your dad screams like a girl get it on tape and put it on your blog so the rest of us can emjoy it. Keep up the good work! It makes me laugh just to think about it!