4 places ive lived:
- riverton utah
- west valley utah
- apartment in vegas
- las vegas
4 schools ive gone to
- riverton elementary
- heckethon elementary
- kitty ward elementary
- cumorah academy
4 languges i want to learn
- japanese
- spanish
- french
- dutch
4 websites i go to
- albinoblacksheep.com
- youtube.com
- blogspot.com
- gamesloth.com
4 places i want to be
- hawaii
- california
- utah
- the carribean
4 movies i could watch over and over
- the goonies
- pirates of the carribean series
- mr. mom
- elf
Awesome Carter---Thanks for doing the List of 4. Now just get your mom and dad to do it!! I loved your answers---totally forgot about the movie Elf, I could definitely watch that one over and over!! ("What's a Christmas gram? I want one!")
Goonies is a CLASSIC! Heyyyy Youuuu Guyyyyssss!
I haven't seen Mr. Mom forever. That is a good one.
Great movie choices!!!Carter good job on the blog.
P.S. Cade is going through big Carter withdrawals.Hope to see you soon.
how bout a new post Bob
you need a serious update dude. Maybe you could blog about being home all weekend without your Mom.
I thought that I was bad at updating my blog. Carter pleae keep the shopping cart at your house. I will come and get it when I need it.
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